Stripping Architecture 2 min read
Stripping Architecture
2 min


- "What is hostile architecture?"
- "Does hostile architecture have ancient origins?"
- ''Are there different types of hostile architecture?"

Today, 19th of December, we were invited to share our opinions on hostile architecture in a podcast format organized by Master's students of communication sciences in VUB, Korneel, Lester and Liesl. Amazing young people who organized the podcast as real professionals. 
It was a great experience to share and exchange knowledge on this kind of complex topics. It was an excellent exercise for us to learn how we can communicate this matter in real time and in concise frameworks. 
Though we think we managed it good, couple of times we were challenged to give analytical explanation about certain points, but in full honesty we realized we couldn't frame a deliberate answer:
- "What is hostile architecture?"
- "Does hostile architecture have ancient origins?"
- ''Are there different types of hostile architecture?"

Very simple questions, but not easy to respond with short answers. Quickly we realized that as matter of fact we have never ever seen a clear categorization of hostile architecture. 

Hostile architecture can be installed by the private sector, by the public authorities, it might occur in unintentional fashion, it might come in a form of an ad-hoc design, it might be defensive, aggressive. . . , but we couldn't really give a structured answer.

This slight confusion occurred on the question about how can we avoid implementing hostile architecture. Even though we have many ideas and proposals, it was obvious we didn't have structured answer. Perhaps, exactly because we don't have a clear categorization of the types of hostile architecture. 

This was an interesting insight that prompted to focus on finding answers to this questions. 
Therefore, soon you should expect content from us where we will make an attempt to categorize hostile architecture. Many times we have mentioned how there is lack of literature about hostile architecture. Well maybe this is a good starting point for creating some. 

Thank you guys for inspiring us.
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