Stripping Architecture 2 min read
Stripping Architecture
2 min


A little bit of gentrification is good for the neighborhood. . . .
This phrase is a good indicator for us that the person who is sharing this view didn't manage to read much  about gentrification or dive bit deeper in the complexity of it.
That is fine, gentrification is super complex phenomenon that has never been explained to us formally. As a matter of fact we all just try to self educated on this topic from different resources.  
However, the major reason why people have different perception about gentrification is because gentrification resembles process and not an event. In addition to this we all know that it is far more challenging to explain processes than to explain events.
Simply because process is a combination of multiple events. 
Process is dynamic occurrence and during one process many factors can change, oscillate and evolve. During one process actors may change roles, subjects may change meanings and intentions can change course. 
With the purpose of depicting gentrification as a process, we would like to share the stages of gentrification: 
1. Marginal stage:
well educated but low income earners, known as "creative class" , rent, share or renovate city dwelling in particular area with low real estate price. 
2. Early stage: 
Higher income and cultured professionals move in and renovate with the purpose of enhancing their life style. 
3. Discovery stage: 
The area is being discovered by people upper middle class, high income people and developers
4.Final stage:
The renovated buildings are flipped in a way that they can maximize on profit returns and the units are marketed for higher income people. 
5.Super gentrification: 
New luxury apartments are being developed 
As you can see, through this stages variety of aspects can change and many original intentions may be altered. 
Finally we understand that this will not make the whole process super clear, but it is super important to remember 2 things: 
- in between these stages different people may see opportunities and different people may experience disadvantages. This doesn't necessarily makes the process justified. 
- some people or actors who were part of the early stages of gentrification may end up removed in the later phases of gentrification. 
In addition to this. If you are interested to get introduced into the mysteries of the gentrification and avoiding heavy economy related terms, we suggest you to read the following book:
Gentrification is Inevitable and Other Lies - by Leslie Kern 
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